Full Course Description
Movement Specialist Certification
Program Information
- Identify the role of neuromuscular movement assessment.
- Assess conscious(cortical) and unconscious(cerebellar) proprioception testing for the patient/client as it relates to human movement.
- Compare and contrast the difference between mobility restrictions and neuro/somatic restrictions (Brain vs.Tissue).
- Integrate the “3 Movement Pillars” and how they relate to human movement control and performance (Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Midline, Mechanical).
- Evaluate movement assessment techniques to identify faulty motor patterns in fundamental movements (e.g.squatting).
- Critique and demonstrate proper use of compression floss bands, foam rollers, kinesiology tape (as a motor control tool) and mobility balls for movement limitations.
- Screen and develop movement with the use of exercise bands, agility and conditioning equipment as well as body weight correctives with appropriate progressions and regressions.
- Integrate the use of digital motion analysis to objectively capture human movement.
Movement Specialist Certification: Conscious Movement
3 Pillars to Human Movement
Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Midline (Fascia), and Mechanical (Motor Movement)
- Conscious awareness (proprioception) as it relates to human movement
- Members of the three movement zones:
- Ankle Complex
- Hip Complex
- Shoulder Complex
Screening concepts, and highlight evidence supporting selected screening approaches for the three movement zones of the body.
- Brain Screen
- Threat Assessment (Psychological Readiness Questionnaire) to evaluated patient/client’s behavioral/motivational attachment to movement.
- Personality Screen to evaluate the person’s learning style to provide the coach or practitioner with the necessary information to best create behavior change.
- Evaluate Conscious Human GPS System - Conscious neurological assessment using 2-point discrimination testing to assess quality of body representation.
- Foot Complex
- Hip Complex
- Shoulder Complex
- Midline Screen – Screen fascia’s contribution to planar movement function or dysfunction.
- Planar movement quality assessment
- Modified Bunkie Test
- Foot Complex
- Hip Complex
- Shoulder Complex
- Mechanical Screen – Static/Dynamic Human Movement Screening
- Differences of mobility, motor control, and stability (Movement Pyramid)
- Joint by joint approach to identify mobility or stability limitations in movement
Brain Screen
- Workshop Psychological Readiness Questionnaire to assess threat appraisal of the three movement zones
- Workshop The “True Colors Personality Screen” to assess the personality type of the individual as it relates to their “coachability”
- Perform evaluation of Conscious Human GPS System (2-point discrimination) to measure body representation of the three movement zones
Midline (Fascial) Screen
Workshop Modified Bunkie Test
- Prone Plank
- Supine Plank
- R + L Side Plank
- Prone Plank - Feet Elevated (Shoulder Dominant)
- Prone Plank - Elbows Elevated (Hip/Ankle Dominant)
- 3 Point Plank - Upper Body Emphasis (unilateral eval control Shoulder Complex)
- 3 Point Plank- Lower Body Emphasis (unilateral eval control Hip Complex)
Mechanical Screen
Introduce and demonstrate the importance of a safe, effective and efficient screen of a fundamental movement pattern (Deep Body Weight Squat).
- Demonstrate and Practice Subjective Squat Screening
- Foot Complex
- Mobility (lacks ankle DF) (soft: foam roll/ball/floss) (joint: floss/ex bands)
- Stability (planar leak) (agility/conditioning equip or bands)
- Motor Control (balance issue or bilateral imbalance) (vibe/floss)
- Hip Complex
- Mobility (lacks flexion/pelvic tilt) (soft-bands, foam roller) (joint-banded mobes/floss)
- Stability (planar leak) (plank progressions/BW/RNT w bands)
- Motor Control (timing/awareness issue) spiky ball/vibration/pacinian upregulation
- Shoulder Complex
- Mobility (lack of shoulder flexion with OH squat)
- Stability rib flare
- Motor Control (eliminate mobility and stability, then this is the culprit)
- Demonstrate and Practice Objective Squat Analysis - Digital Motion Analysis Technology demonstration and comparison.
- Use digital technology to evaluate joint mechanics and performance of squat
- Foot Complex
- Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion
- Hip Complex
- Flexion of Hip, Flexion of Trunk
- Shoulder Complex
- Subjective vs objective analysis results
Improve Squat Performance: Use data collected from Brain, Tissue and Mechanical Screens
Demonstrate and practice corrective strategies to remediate identified dysfunctions of the three movement centers
Foot Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment
- Mobility Impairment, initiates mechanical intervention
- Stability Impairment, initiates tissue intervention
- Motor Control Impairment, initiates brain intervention
Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, kinesiology tape, agility and conditioning equipment
Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Utilize results from the screen to intervene:
- Mobility Intervention
- Mechanical problem needs mechanical solution
- If not Mechanical look to Tissue
- Mobility Tactics – Neurologic Foam Rolling, Targeted Compression Floss Bands, Vibration techniques.
- Stability Intervention
- Tissue problem needs tissue solution
- If not Tissue, look to Brain
- Stability Tactics – Exercise bands isolated exercise
- Isotonic, Eccentric, Isometric use of exercise bands
- Use of body weight plank progression/regressions
- Sagittal Plane (Anterior/Post Chains) – Prone Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Frontal Plane (Lateral Chain)– Side Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Transverse Plane (Functional/Helical Chains) – Upper/Lower Anti-Rotation Control Progression and Regressions
- Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Motor Control Intervention
- Brain problem needs brain solution
- If not Mechanical or Tissue, Brain is only culprit left
- Motor Control Tactics – Kinesiology Tape, Foam rollers, mobility balls, exercise bands and vibration
- Threat Tactics- psych-social considerations, client/patient education, regressions of squat with equipment (chair), increased physical or psycho/social support
Hip Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment
- Mobility Impairment, initiates mechanical intervention
- Stability Impairment, initiates tissue intervention
- Motor Control Impairment, initiates brain intervention
Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, agility and conditioning equipment
Perform tool-based intervention
Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Utilize results from the screen to intervene:
- Mobility Intervention
- Mechanical problem needs mechanical solution
- If not Mechanical look to Tissue
- Mobility Tactics – Neurologic Foam Rolling, Targeted Compression Floss Bands, Vibration
- Stability Intervention
- Tissue problem needs tissue solution
- If not Tissue, look to Brain
- Stability Tactics – Exercise bands isolated exercise
- Isotonic, Eccentric, Isometric use of exercise bands
- Use of body weight plank progression/regressions
- Sagittal Plane (Anterior/Post Chains) – Prone Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Frontal Plane (Lateral Chain)– Side Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Transverse Plane (Functional/Helical Chains) – Upper/Lower Anti-Rotation Control Progression and Regressions
- Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Motor Control Intervention
- Brain problem needs brain solution
- If not Mechanical or Tissue, Brain is only culprit left
- Motor Control Tactics – Kinesiology Tape, Foam rollers, mobility balls, exercise bands and vibration
- Threat Tactics- psych-social considerations, client/patient education, regressions of squat with equipment (chair), increased physical or psycho/social support
Shoulder Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment
- Mobility Impairment, initiates mechanical intervention
- Stability Impairment, initiates tissue intervention
- Motor Control Impairment, initiates brain intervention
Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, agility and conditioning equipment
Perform tool-based intervention
Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Utilize results from the screen to intervene:
- Mobility Intervention
- Mechanical problem needs mechanical solution
- If not Mechanical look to Tissue
- Mobility Tactics – Neurologic Foam Rolling, Targeted Compression Floss Bands, Vibration
- Stability Intervention
- Tissue problem needs tissue solution
- If not Tissue, look to Brain
- Stability Tactics – Exercise bands isolated exercise
- Isotonic, Eccentric, Isometric use of exercise bands
- Use of body weight plank progression/regressions
- Sagittal Plane (Anterior/Post Chains) – Prone Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Frontal Plane (Lateral Chain)– Side Plank Progressions/Regressions
- Transverse Plane (Functional/Helical Chains) – Upper/Lower Anti-Rotation Control Progression and Regressions
- Re-Screen Squat to assess change
- Motor Control Intervention
- Brain problem needs brain solution
- If not Mechanical or Tissue, Brain is only culprit left
- Motor Control Tactics – Kinesiology Tape, Foam rollers, mobility balls, exercise bands and vibration
- Threat Tactics- psych-social considerations, client/patient education, regressions of squat with equipment (elastic band), increased physical or psycho/social support
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Subconscious Movement: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Breathing and Gait Analysis
Advanced Movement Specialist Certification
Program Information
- Examine the role of neuromuscular movement assessment.
- Assess automatic/unconscious awareness of human movement (breathing and gait)by screening the balance and coordination systems.
- Compare and contrast the difference between mobility restrictions – neural vs. somatic restrictions (Brain vs Tissue).
- Integrate the “3 Movement Pillars” and how they relate to human movement control and performance (Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Tissue, Mechanical).
- Demonstrate movement assessments that identifies the ability to associate and dissociate segments of the body as they relate to gait/breathing movement patterns.
- Apply, practice and employ corrective strategies that involve the ability to associate (integrate) and dissociate (mobilize) different segments of the body.
- Critique and demonstrate proper use of compression floss bands, foam rollers and mobility balls for movement limitations.
- Develop and appraise movement with the use of exercise bands, agility and conditioning equipment as well as body weight correctives with appropriate progressions and regressions.
- Introduce and integrate the use of digital motion analysis to objectively capture human movement.
Advanced Movement Specialist Certification: Subconscious Movement
3 pillars to Human Movement
- Brain (Neurological/Psychological)
- Tissue (Fascia)
- Mechanical (Motor)
- Unconscious coordination as it relates to human movement (breathing and gait)
- Role of the nervous system as it seeks safety and the ramifications of threat on human movement
Movement assessment techniques to evaluate the functions of 4 movement centers (Ankle Complex, Hip Complex, Thorax Complex and Shoulder Complex):
- 30,000 ft view
- Brain Screen –
- Threat Assessment as it applies to Breathing and Gait (Psychological Readiness Questionnaire) to evaluate patient/client’s behavioral/motivational attachment to movement.
- Ankle Complex (gait)
- Hip Complex (gait)
- Thorax Complex (breathing)
- Shoulder Complex (breathing)
- Evaluate coordination and balance capability as it applies to Breathing and Gait
- Tissue Screen – Evaluate fascia’s contribution to planar movement function or dysfunction in breathing and gait.
- Advanced Modified Bunkie Test
- Ankle Complex
- Hip Complex
- Thorax Complex
- Shoulder Complex
- Mechanical Screen – Static/Dynamic Assessment of Breathing and Gait
- Discuss biomechanical association/dissociation concepts apply these concepts to breathing and gait
Brain Screen Methods Workshop
Measure the performance of unconscious coordination. Balance/Coordination Screens:
- Physiology relationship to breathing coordination and gait coordination (Clinical relevance)
- Identify unconscious coordination of the body: (cerebellar)
- Modified Rhomberg (Full-Body Coordination)
- Dynamic upgrade: Tandem Walk
- Dynamic upgrade: Backwards Walk
- Hand Tapping (Upper Extremity Coordination)
- Dynamic upgrade: Nose Finger Nose
- Rolling Patterns (neuro-motor assessment)
- Supine to Prone
- Prone to Supine
- Upper Body Quiet
- Lower Body Quiet
Tissue (Fascial) Screen Methods Workshop
Workshop Advanced Modified Bunkie Tests:
- Discuss physiology relationship to breathing coordination and gait coordination (Clinical relevance)
- Sagittal:
- Prone Plank - Elevated (UE or LE)
- Supine Plank - Elevated (UE or LE)
- Frontal
- R/L Dynamic Side Plank - Hip Drop
- Regression to knee (dosage is until planar spillage)
- R/L Side Plank - Top Leg Lift
- Regression to knee (dosage is until planar spillage)
- Transverse
- 3 Point Plank - Upper Body Emphasis (eval control Shoulder Complex)
- 3 Point Plank- Lower Body Emphasis (eval control Hip Complex)
Mechanical Screen of Breathing and Gait
Identify normal behavior of the four centers of human movement during breathing and gait
- Discuss physiology relationships present in normal breathing coordination and gait coordination (Clinical relevance)
- Introduce concepts of blocked vs slinky performance of unconscious movements.
- Block: Associated movements are dysfunctional
- Slinky: Disassociated or segmental/sequential motions are ideal
- Observe subjective performance of the 3 of the 4 Centers of Human Movement during Breathing
- Is your breathing performance BLOCK or SLINKY
- Dissociation Assessment
- Thorax Complex vs Hip Complex
- Lumbar extension vs rib expansion cheat (supine)
- Increase the hoop 360 breath (sit/stand)
- Lateralization of breath (sit/stand)
- Shoulder Complex vs Thorax Complex
- Supine shoulder disassociation with thorax expansion (supine)
- Supine shoulder disassociation with thorax expansion (sit/stand)
- Association Assessment
- If breathing performance is blocked...dysfunction is present
- Introduce concepts of blocked vs slinky performance of unconscious movements.
- Block: Associated movements -dysfunctional
- Slinky: Disassociate or segmental/sequential motions - ideal
- Observe subjective performance of the 4 Centers of Human Movement during Gait
- Is your gait performance BLOCK or SLINKY
- Dissociation Assessment
- Ankle Complex vs Hip Complex
- Shank progression
- Bilateral comparison
- Hip Complex vs Thoracic Complex
- Pelvic R/L Rotation
- Femoral IR/ER Assessment
- Thorax Complex vs Shoulder Complex
- Association Assessment
- If gait performance is blocked...dysfunction is present
- Provide feedback on efficiency/economy of movement performance of breathing and gait.
Corrective Strategies to Address Movement Pattern Dysfunction
- Ankle Complex Interventions:
- BRAIN Corrections – Threat Reduction Correctives
- Improve unconscious coordination awareness via balance, coordination correctives
- Instruct novel use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment as sensori-motor tools
- Re-Screen Gait to assess changes
- TISSUE Corrections –
- Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment to improve planar control
- Re-Screen Gait to assess change
- MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives
- Disassociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools to aid in dissociation of body segments.
- Stability Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands
- Global Movement Correctives
- Re-Screen Gait to assess change
- Hip Complex Interventions:
- BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
- Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination, and use of agility and conditioning equipment.
- The novel use of exercise band as sensori-motor tools
- Re-Screen gait to assess change
- TISSUE Corrections –
- Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment to aid in fascial stability
- Re-Screen gait to assess change
- MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives
- Disassociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve quality of body representation.
- Stability Tactics – Corrective Bands (Focus on Global Methods for association/disassociation)
- Global (Movement) Correctives – agility and conditioning equipment
- Re-Screen Gait to assess change
- Thorax Complex Interventions:
- BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
- Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination, and use of conditioning tools.
- The novel use of exercise band, agility and conditioning equipment as sensori-motor tools
- Re-Screen Breathing to assess change
- TISSUE Corrections –
- Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and bodyweight to aid in fascial stability
- Re-Screen Breathing to assess change
- MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives
- Dissociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve quality of body representation.
- Stability Tactics – Corrective Bands (Focus on Global Methods)
- Global (Movement) Correctives – Foam Roller, Compression Floss Bands
- Re-Screen Breathing to assess change
- Shoulder Complex Interventions:
- BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
- Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination correctives
- The novel use of exercise bands and mobility balls as sensori-motor tools
- Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change
- TISSUE Corrections –
- Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and compression floss bands to aid in fascial stability
- Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change
- MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives
- Dissociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve cortical awareness/control.
- Stability Tactics – Plank progressions with equipment
- Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change
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