Advanced Movement Specialist Certification Course: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Therapeutic Screening, Assessment & Intervention

Full Course Description

Movement Specialist Certification

Program Information


  1. Identify the role of neuromuscular movement assessment.
  2. Assess conscious(cortical) and unconscious(cerebellar) proprioception testing for the patient/client as it relates to human movement.
  3. Compare and contrast the difference between mobility restrictions and neuro/somatic restrictions (Brain vs.Tissue).
  4. Integrate the “3 Movement Pillars” and how they relate to human movement control and performance (Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Midline, Mechanical).
  5. Evaluate movement assessment techniques to identify faulty motor patterns in fundamental movements (e.g.squatting).
  6. Critique and demonstrate proper use of compression floss bands, foam rollers, kinesiology tape (as a motor control tool) and mobility balls for movement limitations.
  7. Screen and develop movement with the use of exercise bands, agility and conditioning equipment as well as body weight correctives with appropriate progressions and regressions.
  8. Integrate the use of digital motion analysis to objectively capture human movement.


Movement Specialist Certification: Conscious Movement

3 Pillars to Human Movement 
Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Midline (Fascia), and Mechanical (Motor Movement)

Screening concepts, and highlight evidence supporting selected screening approaches for the three movement zones of the body.

Brain Screen

Midline (Fascial) Screen 
Workshop Modified Bunkie Test

Mechanical Screen 
Introduce and demonstrate the importance of a safe, effective and efficient screen of a fundamental movement pattern (Deep Body Weight Squat).

Improve Squat Performance: Use data collected from Brain, Tissue and Mechanical Screens
Demonstrate and practice corrective strategies to remediate identified dysfunctions of the three movement centers

Foot Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment 

Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, kinesiology tape, agility and conditioning equipment
Re-Screen Squat to assess change 

Hip Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment

Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, agility and conditioning equipment
Perform tool-based intervention
Re-Screen Squat to assess change

Shoulder Complex Interventions:
Triage primary impairment

Select appropriate tools mobility balls, exercise bands, foam rollers, compression flossing bands, agility and conditioning equipment
Perform tool-based intervention
Re-Screen Squat to assess change

Copyright : 10/29/2019

Subconscious Movement: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Breathing and Gait Analysis

Advanced Movement Specialist Certification

Program Information


  1. Examine the role of neuromuscular movement assessment.
  2. Assess automatic/unconscious awareness of human movement (breathing and gait)by screening the balance and coordination systems.
  3. Compare and contrast the difference between mobility restrictions – neural vs. somatic restrictions (Brain vs Tissue).
  4. Integrate the “3 Movement Pillars” and how they relate to human movement control and performance (Brain (Neurological/Psychological), Tissue, Mechanical).
  5. Demonstrate movement assessments that identifies the ability to associate and dissociate segments of the body as they relate to gait/breathing movement patterns.
  6. Apply, practice and employ corrective strategies that involve the ability to associate (integrate) and dissociate (mobilize) different segments of the body.
  7. Critique and demonstrate proper use of compression floss bands, foam rollers and mobility balls for movement limitations.
  8. Develop and appraise movement with the use of exercise bands, agility and conditioning equipment as well as body weight correctives with appropriate progressions and regressions.
  9. Introduce and integrate the use of digital motion analysis to objectively capture human movement.


Advanced Movement Specialist Certification: Subconscious Movement
3 pillars to Human Movement 

  1. Brain (Neurological/Psychological)
  2. Tissue (Fascia)
  3. Mechanical (Motor)
Movement assessment techniques to evaluate the functions of 4 movement centers (Ankle Complex, Hip Complex, Thorax Complex and Shoulder Complex):  Brain Screen Methods Workshop
Measure the performance of unconscious coordination. Balance/Coordination Screens: Tissue (Fascial) Screen Methods Workshop
Workshop Advanced Modified Bunkie Tests:

Mechanical Screen of Breathing and Gait 

Identify normal behavior of the four centers of human movement during breathing and gait Corrective Strategies to Address Movement Pattern Dysfunction 
  1. Ankle Complex Interventions:
    • BRAIN Corrections – Threat Reduction Correctives
      • Improve unconscious coordination awareness via balance, coordination correctives
      • Instruct novel use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment as sensori-motor tools
      • Re-Screen Gait to assess changes 
    • TISSUE Corrections – 
      • Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment to improve planar control
      • Re-Screen Gait to assess change 
    • MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives 
      • Disassociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools to aid in dissociation of body segments.
      • Stability Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands 
        • Global Movement Correctives 
      • Re-Screen Gait to assess change 
  2. Hip Complex Interventions:
    • BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
      • Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination, and use of agility and conditioning equipment.
      • The novel use of exercise band as sensori-motor tools
      • Re-Screen gait to assess change 
    • TISSUE Corrections – 
      • Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and agility and conditioning equipment to aid in fascial stability
      • Re-Screen gait to assess change 
    • MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives 
      • Disassociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve quality of body representation.
      • Stability Tactics – Corrective Bands (Focus on Global Methods for association/disassociation)
        • Global (Movement) Correctives – agility and conditioning equipment 
      • Re-Screen Gait to assess change 
  3. Thorax Complex Interventions:
    • BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
      • Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination, and use of conditioning tools.
      • The novel use of exercise band, agility and conditioning equipment as sensori-motor tools
      • Re-Screen Breathing to assess change 
    • TISSUE Corrections – 
      • Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and bodyweight to aid in fascial stability
      • Re-Screen Breathing to assess change 
    • MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives 
      • Dissociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve quality of body representation.
      • Stability Tactics – Corrective Bands (Focus on Global Methods)
        • Global (Movement) Correctives – Foam Roller, Compression Floss Bands
      • Re-Screen Breathing to assess change 
  4. Shoulder Complex Interventions:
    • BRAIN Corrections– Threat Reduction Correctives
      • Improve unconscious awareness via balance, coordination correctives
      • The novel use of exercise bands and mobility balls as sensori-motor tools
      • Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change 
    • TISSUE Corrections – 
      • Fascial Stability - Use of exercise bands and compression floss bands to aid in fascial stability
      • Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change 
    • MECHANICAL Corrections – Movement Correctives 
      • Dissociation Tactics – Therapeutic exercise bands, compression flossing bands, mobility balls, corrective exercise bands, foam rollers, and agility tools dissociation/differentiation of body segments to improve cortical awareness/control.
      • Stability Tactics – Plank progressions with equipment 
      • Re-Screen Gait/Breathing to assess change 

Copyright : 10/30/2019