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Digital Seminar

2-4-6-8 This is How We Regulate! - Marketing Title

Credit Available - See Credits tab below.

Topic Areas:
Administration |  Anxiety |  Legal |  LGBTQ
Kayla M Omtvedt, Ph.D.
Captioned in French
03 Minutes
Audio and Video
May 01, 2021
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar - Also available: Digital Seminar  3 | DVD

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Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with smart technology. The use of screens is not just impacting social skills and human interaction, it’s compromising neurosensory development!

As learning and leisure time becomes increasingly screen-based, children are over-using their visual systems at the expense of exploring the environment and activating their senses for learning through movement.  While the impact of screens on social interactions and self-esteem are being increasingly recognized, clinicians and educators need to understand the potential implications as it relates to neurosensory development.

As clinicians and educators, we are equipped with many programs and interventions based on neurodevelopmental principles.  Now, we need to apply them in the context of an increasingly digital world. 

Treating requires a new framework to ensure we activate the senses for learning and model the habits of success.  This is especially true for children with ADHD, Autism, LD, sensory processing, and motor deficits, who, at baseline, require more opportunities for multi-sensory integration to increase attention and enhance brain development for learning than their neurotypical peers.


Other Credit Data

Record Date

Record Date: 7/8/2022

Self-Study Coming Soon

Self-study CE coming soon.

New York Addiction Counselors

This self-study course has been approved by OASAS for 1.5 clock hours toward . Board required certificates will be sent after the program.


NEW YORK PARTICIPANTS ONLY: To automatically receive a special certificate, please answer YES to the question: “New York Addictions Counselors: Do you need the special OASAS certificate?” while completing the online post-test/evaluation.



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  1. Here are some objectives
  2. Here is another
  3. And a third


4 D’s of a Digital Generation: Distraction, Disorganization, Dysregulation, and Digital Dementia
  • The speed of digital information verses the speed of neurodevelopment
  • Growing impact of technology on learning and behavior
  • Specific challenges for children with learning, processing, and attention deficits
Rebalance the Brain-Body Connection
  • Role of the senses in self-regulation, perception, and adaptive response patterns
  • Sensory Imbalances: Overusing vision in a screen-based world
  • Impact of weak links in sensory triads on learning and behavior
  • Influence physiology to reduce disorganization and dysregulation
  • Rebalance through controlled activation of multiple senses
A Powerful New Framework: Body Activated Learning™
  • 3 Phase Approach: Optimize, activate, and regroup
  • Optimize connection to the body through energizing or calming movement
  • Activate the brain-body connection using sensory triads and vision exercises
  • Regroup from screen-based and sedentary learning tasks triggering visual and body fatigue
  • Experiential learning
Activate and Digitally Interactive Treatment Strategies
  • Determine a child’s digital and sensory-learning profile
  • Building Sensational self-awareness to engage and empower learners
  • Proactive activities to support regulation and cognition
  • Embedding regrouping opportunities to recover from dysregulation and overload
  • Technology as a tool to support the brain-body connection
  • Case studies, videos, and interactive learning
Influencing Neuroplasticity: Techniques to Balance Technology and Sensory Smart Movement
  • Vision, auditory, vestibular, and more considerations for:
    • ADHD
    • Autism
    • Dyslexia and dysgraphia
    • Non-identified but digitally impacted children
Attacking Digital Dementia and Disorganization from the Inside Out
  • Educate parents and schools
  • Play and learning vs “Done for You” Technology
  • Visualization vs videos and Playstation
  • Creation vs consumption: Interactive learning in a digital age
  • Remediation vs accommodation
Contagious Mindsets: Collaborate to Empower a Digital Generation
  • Integrated support strategies: Use body activated learning within an RTI model
    • Whole class intervention and universal design
    • Small group instruction, social groups, and morning movement opportunities
    • Individualized supports
  • Teach to learn: Modeling and cross-training for Paraprofessionals
  • Planning materials and resources for collaborative intervention
    • Classroom set-up and sensory smart routines
    • Merging sensory diets, sensory strategies, multisensory learning, and brain breaks
    • Empowering conversations with children


Satisfaction Guarantee
Your satisfaction is our goal and our guarantee. Concerns should be addressed to: PO Box 1000, Eau Claire, WI 54702-1000 or call 1-800-844-8260.

ADA Needs
We would be happy to accommodate your ADA needs; please call our Customer Service Department for more information at 1-800-844-8260.

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